If you have your own company with a work office or environment that you and your employees work from, then it is essential that you utilize the space so that you are all as productive as possible. We are much more likely to work harder and be more productive in an environment that we feel comfortable with, therefore, you should spend some time considering what makes the perfect working environment.
The more traditional and old-fashioned work office decors are very much a thing of the past, and now it is more than acceptable to be bold and creative when it comes to designing the perfect working environment. Create a workspace that has a good vibe and is enjoyable to be in can drastically improve the morale of your staff and subsequently increase productivity. Sounds good, doesn’t it? To give you a helping hand, we have created this checklist that offers everything you need to create the perfect working space so that you and your employees can thrive at work!
Integration of Brand Colors
It is important that your working environment is created around the company and the work you are trying to achieve. To reiterate this to your staff, you should consider using the colors that feature in your brand identity and logo as the main colors when creating the workspace. This means that you are all reminded of your purpose at work and the overall company aims that each task you complete is working towards.
Separate Different Spaces with Rugs
If your office space isn’t that big then you may want to use rugs as a way of indicating the different uses of each individual space. For example, a rug is a great way to create an outline in an office space, without using a physical barrier. So, if you are worried about a desk space and meeting area looking too close together, you can use a rug to divide the two areas up.
Adding a rug to your office space is also a great way of making your work environment feel more welcoming and inviting. While it is important that as much work as possible gets done when your employees at work, it is also crucial that the work environment is a warm and safe place that people enjoy spending time in.
Works of Art
Sometimes in work offices, especially those that have a more minimalist vibe, blank walls can look too empty, which makes the space look bland and boring. Therefore, a good way to fill up the empty walls is to hang popular pieces of art. By hanging work up in your office, you can make the environment feel more interesting and brighter, which is not only impressive to any visitors that attend meetings in your offices but also are vibrant offerings for your employees on a daily basis.
Add Refreshments
By offering your colleagues refreshments, you are not showing them your concern for their well-being, but you are also making sure that they are staying hydrated. Drinking enough water is essential for our general health and wellbeing, and research has also found a link between dehydration and a decrease in productivity.
Therefore, you should consider investing in a commercial water cooler that is available from Bevi. They allow you to offer your employees customized beverages through office sparkling water machines and a flavored water dispenser. Bevi’s hassle-free and plastic-saving service allows you to keep your workforce hydrated for less than the cost of an end of the month work party! They also allow you to have refreshments on hand and impress potential clients when they attend your office for a meeting.
Let Employees Personalize Their Own Space
While you may want to keep your office space simple and minimalistic, it is important that you let your employees personalize their own workspaces. It is where they will spend most of their time! By allowing your staff to have their own favorite mug and pictures of their loved ones on their desk, they will feel more relaxed and at home, which can help boost productivity. Remember, happy employees are productive employees!
Make it Comfortable
One of the main things you need to consider when kitting out and creating the perfecting working environment is how comfortable the workspace is. You need to ensure that desk chairs have the correct amount of back support and are comfortable to sit in. If they aren’t, then you may find staff using every excuse possible to be out of their chair.
The view that a workspace has to be rigid and restrictive is an old-fashioned perspective, so if you want your company to be as productive as possible, you should consider these added extras that will help you to create the perfect environment and boost overall productivity.
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