Going through a divorce isn’t easy— so making mistakes along the way can be expected! No one expects you to stay perfectly poised during potentially one of the most trying times of your life. Yet, there are some mistakes that are better left being avoided when getting a divorce. Take a look at some of the most important mistakes to steer clear of and why.
Involving the Kids
Not every couple going through a divorce has kids, however, it can make things a lot more complicated if you do. It’s not uncommon for emotionally raw parents to use their children as pawns, and in some cases, even alienate their kids from the other parent.
Whatever you do, don’t let the children see the anger that you may be feeling. Even though it may seem impossible to mask, it’s essential for everyone’s well-being— including your own.
It’s normal to feel emotionally charged even in so-called amicable divorces! However, your children shouldn’t be allowed to see any of the emotion behind it. If you must vent to someone, do it with a friend or a professional— not your kids.
Overpaying a Lawyer
Some lawyers can range over $500 an hour depending on where you are. A lot of people assume that the highest priced lawyer equals the most qualified — not necessarily the case. Don’t choose a lawyer based on fee alone but rather by the number of successful cases they have under their belt, and whether you have a good rapport with them.
Who knows how long this divorce could go on, so make sure that you choose someone you respect and have good communication with.
Airing Dirty Laundry on Social Media
Social media is a place to express yourself and let loose— we get the urge to spout out your feelings! But, you shouldn’t do so during a divorce. Any time you’re in litigation you want to avoid posting anything online about it.
Don’t post anything about the divorce even if you think that your ex won’t see it. It’s simply not worth the risk. Anything that you post online could be used against you, so don’t post anything incriminating that could paint you in a negative light!
Jumping into a New Relationship too Soon
Even though you’re likely excited to get back in the saddle again, you shouldn’t jump into a new relationship too quickly. First off, you may not be emotionally ready even though you think you are. It’s called a rebound relationship for a reason! Secondly, it could be used against you since you’re technically still married!
Take your time before you dive into anything too serious again. With a little reflection and a lot of deep breathing, you can survive your divorce and find happier days ahead!
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