Gallstones form in the gallbladder. They are solid particles made from bilirubin and bile cholesterol. Many people suffer from gallstones from eating fatty and salty foods. Some who have them do not exhibit symptoms, but some experience signs that their gallstones are already affecting their health and well-being. When this happens, it warrants a trip to the emergency room so the doctor can check the severity of the symptoms and so that they can formulate the best treatment plan for you.
- If you consume high amounts of fatty and greasy food.
- Other components in the bile can cause the formation of stones.
- Females are more prone to have them than males.
- Being overweight.
- Certain medications such as cholesterol drugs and birth control pills.
Gallstones also cause gallbladder disease. If doctors don’t take them out, chances are disease will form in the gallbladder, which will manifest more symptoms. Liquid bile, when interacting with the stones, can block the flow of digestive enzymes from another organ, the pancreas. If the stones continue to block the flow, the pancreas and gallbladder will inflame. Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are the inflammation of the said organs. Very small gallstones can also escape the gallbladder and reside in the bile duct, a very small tube that connects the gallbladder to the liver. This duct is where bile flows, and when there are stones blocking the duct, you may exhibit jaundice and severe pain.
If you start to exhibit symptoms that you have gallstones in your gallbladder and if the pain becomes unbearable that it affects your daily activities, it is time to seek medical help. Symptoms may come and go but they usually present themselves right after a greasy or fatty meal. Here are some of the symptoms to look out for:
- Persistent pain in the upper abdomen that radiates through the back
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever
- Jaundice
- Belching and bloating
If you experience any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to go to the hospital for proper care and treatment.
If the pain is still bearable and you don’t suffer from frequent attacks, your doctor may prescribe you pain medications; otherwise, surgery is the best course of action to take to relieve frequent attacks. If you require cholecystectomy or gallstone surgery, London doctors will prep you right away to take the stones out of your gallbladder. They will assess if the stones are numerous, and they may recommend taking the whole gallbladder out. There are two types of gallstone surgery: laparoscopic and open. The former does not require opening up your abdomen and usually lasts anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. The doctors will make a small slit where they will take the gallbladder out. The latter will require a six-inch incision in the abdomen and takes longer to recover.
The best way to avoid gallstones from forming is to practice healthy eating. Do away with fatty and greasy foods and substitute them with vegetables, healthy meats and the like. Fortunately, we can all live without a gallbladder, so taking it out when you have gallstones is the best option so you don’t have to worry about forming more gallstones in the future.
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