When you’re trying to stay on the wagon, the occasional craving can seem like a giant boulder thrown at your wheels. Cravings are a normal part of overcoming addiction, so it’s important not to beat yourself up when you experience these frustrating feelings. Rather, it’s essential to distract yourself from the desire to succumb to addiction through methods taught to you by a professional, like your Toronto rehab centers.
One of the best ways to kick addiction cravings to the curb is through a great distraction. The next time you’re feeling the urge to sink back into old habits, use these distractions to find healthy alternatives instead.
Get active
Did you know that the endorphins you achieve through vigorous exercise can boost your mood? Replacing old habits with better ones is a great way to improve yourself while kicking your addiction at the same time. Whenever you’re itching for your old addiction, hitting the gym, going for a run, or taking a swim is a distraction that gets your body — and your mind — away from cravings.
This is especially beneficial if you indulged in your addiction at a specific time of day or in a particular place. Removing yourself from negative situations and replacing them with helpful activities that you associate with healthy alternatives can work wonders.
Get away
Cravings for addiction often start because you’re in a stressful or familiar environment that you associate with usage. Whenever you’re feeling like you’re going to fall off the wagon, getting out of that space is essential.
For some recovering addicts, however, traveling long distances or going on vacation have been great ways for a person to reconnect with themselves. Trying something new in a gorgeous place, like parasailing near Singer Island, can show that you’re more capable than ever before. Not only does this show that you’re willing to invest in yourself and your happiness, but it also allows you to remember that you’re more than your addiction.
Invest in a hobby
Many people find that they need to replace the addiction with something else. One fulfilling way to do that is by picking up a hobby. This can be as simple as doing jigsaw puzzles or as complicated as learning a new language. No matter what you choose, engaging your brain and filling the space that would otherwise be taken up by bad habits.
This is a particularly fun distraction because it enables you to try a whole host of activities. Many people enjoy the thought of cooking classes, horseback riding, crafting, or video games. Test out each one to see which most appeals to you.
Read a book for inspiration
Reading is particularly beneficial for because since it completely engages the mind. While this hobby might not be for everyone, almost every addict can benefit from reading an inspirational novel or a self-help book to learn more ways of coping with addiction. Talk to your local rehab center or therapist to discover which books sound like beneficial options for you.
Love yourself
Loving yourself is a lifelong commitment. But in those terrible moments where you want to break, reminding yourself that you matter is vital. Take a moment to look into a mirror or connect with your body and say that you love yourself. This is even more powerful if you do it out loud.
The whole reason you chose recovery in the first place is because you love yourself and those around you. Sinking back into addiction simply isn’t a good way to show yourself that you care about your own well-being. The next time you’re struggling, remembering that you love yourself will help remind you that you care about your present and your future. Talking to yourself is a tried-and-true method you can use to talk yourself out of a craving.
The next time you’re worried about falling off the wagon, remember these tips to help you keep your balance.
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