There are some people, who despite their actual age, don’t look a day over 30. And then there are those who tell you their age, and you’re startled because they look about 20 years older than that number. So, what is the secret to looking younger, and what is it that people are doing to age themselves?
The truth is that aging comes down to knowing what you should be doing to slow down the effects of aging, and perhaps more importantly, what you should not be doing.
Take a look at some of the most common reasons that people look much older than their true age.
They Don’t Use Sunscreen
Even though the sun has certain benefits that do favors for our body, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. There are certain harmful rays that not only increase the signs of aging on your face but can even increase your chances of developing skin cancer.,
People who don’t apply sunscreen when they go outside are adding years of aging to their faces over time. In fact, it’s not only advisable to apply sunscreen on sunny days, but even on overcast ones. Always apply a layer of at least 30SPF before going outside, even on cloudy days.
They Don’t Exercise
Exercise is something that does more than just release endorphins and burn fat. Exercise releases all sorts of toxins and hormones that can make you feel and look younger.
People who have failed to keep up with exercise over the years usually show the effects in their posture and body composition. If you want to keep your body looking young and fresh, it’s important to get at least a few hours of exercise in a week. Doing so will build muscle and increase your overall strength.
They Smoke
Cigarettes contain a significant amount of toxins. The more that you smoke, the more toxins that you’re releasing into your body that are known to age your skin. One of the most notable toxins that cigarettes contain is carbon monoxide, which is particularly harmful for your body.
From age spots to an increased likelihood of broken bones, cigarettes aren’t doing you any favors. Not only are you aging yourself significantly by smoking, but you’re also putting yourself at risk for cancer.
They Don’t Pay Attention To What They Eat
As the saying goes, you are what you eat. The more processed and refined foods that you put into your body, the more likely that you are to develop obesity.
In addition to causing weight gain, unhealthy foods also lack vital micronutrients that keep your body working the way that it should.
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