Buying a home is likely going to be one of the biggest purchases you make in your lifetime. Not only will this be the place that you live for years to come, but you’re also going to be spending a lot of money in order to own this piece of property. Because of this, most people are willing to look for any way that they can save some money along the way.
Luckily, if you plan and prepare correctly, there are plenty of ways that you can save some money and pay a smaller amount for the ownership of a home. To show you how this can be done, here are three things you can do to pay less on your home loan.
Save For A Larger Down Payment
One of the first and best ways that you can save money when buying a home is to literally save as much money as you can to go toward your down payment.
According to Kathryn Vasel, a contributor to CNN Money, the larger of a down payment you’re able to have, the less money you’ll have to borrow from someone else in order to pay for your home. This means you’ll have a smaller loan to pay down, which could mean lower mortgage payments. And if you’re able to put down at least 20 percent of the cost of your home, you’ll also be able to avoid having to pay for private mortgage insurance, too.
Shorten The Life Of Your Loan
Another way you can wind up paying less on your home loan is if you’re able to refinance your mortgage and shorten the terms from your previous loan. shares that if you’re able to refinance from a 30-year loan to a 15-year loan, you’re essentially saving the interest that you would have paid over that extra 15-year timeframe. While this will usually mean that you’ll have a higher monthly mortgage payment, if you can afford it, this could have you paying so much less over the life of your loan.
Commit To Making Extra Payments
If you’re not ready to make a commitment to refinancing but would still like to cut down on the amount of interest you’re going to be paying on your home loan, another great option is to simply commit to making extra payments on your current mortgage.
According to Natalie Campisi, a contributor to, making just one extra payment each year over the course of your loan can save you thousands of dollars in interest. Not only that, but you’ll also be able to pay off your loan quicker, so you’ll get out from under this debt at a faster rate.
If you’re wanting to cut down on the amount of interest you’ll pay on your home loan, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find ways to accomplish this.
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