While many people experience times when money might be on the slim side, there might come a month where, despite your best efforts, you still come up short for the rent that you owe. Especially if you’ve had other unexpected expenses or weren’t able to bring in as much money as you normally do, you may find that, at the end of the month, you simply don’t have what you need to make your rent.
In this situation, there are a few things that you can and should do. To help you see just what these things are, here are three things to do if you’re worried about making rent this month to help ensure that you don’t get evicted and wind up in an even worse situation.
Get In Touch With Your Landlord
As soon as you realize that you won’t be able to pay your full rent for the month, the very first thing that you should do is get in touch with your landlord. Hopefully, you have a good enough rapport and relationship that you can explain your situation and try to come up with a solution together.
Some of the options that you might want to present could include paying part of the rent now and part in a few days or weeks when you have more funds available to you. You could also ask if you could add this rent payment to the next few months of rent in the form of a payment plan.
If you and your landlord are able to reach an agreement, make sure you both get it in writing so that you don’t have to argue about the details again in the future.
Ask Others For Financial Help
If you know that you won’t be able to make your rent this month but that you will be able to get things back on track next month, one option you might want to try is to ask your friends or family members for some help just with this month’s rent. Depending on what you’re both comfortable with, you can either agree to pay them back or accept this as a one-time gift so that you can make your rent.
Look For Emergency Assistance
For those who don’t have people that they can turn to when strapped for cash, something else you can try is looking into emergency assistance that might be available to you.
There are all kinds of grants and assistance programs from the government and other organizations that are meant to help people when they are in a bind making their rent. By doing some research online and finding some that you might qualify for, you could get the money you need just by filling out some paperwork.
If you fear that you won’t be able to cover your rent this month, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find a way to address this problem without getting evicted.
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