You need to have a quality presentation to convince the people listening to you. Whether you’re presenting to a large crowd or to a small group of potential investors, your words matter. However, apart from the presentation, you also need to consider these other factors to guarantee success.
Good personality
When you step on stage to speak in front of the crowd, you need to look good. Even if you’re nervous and shaking inside, you still have to appear confident. Try to smile at the people in the room and be optimistic. Sometimes, even if you have something good to say, people will ignore you if you seem scary.
Sense of humour
Don’t take the process too seriously, even if you know that the results of your presentation are crucial. The moment you lose your sense of humour, you will also lose the interest of the people in the room. Therefore, you have to appear calm. Inject some funny lines along the way, especially if your speech could go on for a long time. You want to retain attention by being comic.
Visual aids
You need to have visual aids along with your speech to ensure that people are guided by what you’re discussing. Besides, there’s no guarantee that you can hold everyone’s attention even if you have a good topic. With visual aids, you can gain people’s interest. Make sure that you go to the venue early to check if the equipment you need for the visual aids is ready. You can also invest in an AV mount like the ones sold at for the clearer projection of your visual aids.
Ability to respond to questions
You can prepare for your speech, but you won’t know the types of questions that will be thrown at you. Therefore, you must learn how to respond to questions. It shows that you know what you’re talking about, and you’re confident of every detail. You can reference your visual aids for clarity. You can also be honest if you have no idea how to respond to the question. It’s better than providing an incorrect response.
Level of engagement
No one wants to sit for several hours listening to you. It doesn’t matter even if you have an excellent topic. People’s attention won’t last that long. Some of them might doze off, while others might stay longer in the toilet. Therefore, your ability to engage with people is important. Find a way to interact with them by asking questions, playing games, and using other techniques. You have to break the monotonous speech. It’s better to pause for fun activities than to keep on talking when no one understands you.
Once you can combine all these factors, you’re good to go. You know that people will pay attention to your speech and understand what you’re saying. You have to evaluate what worked during the presentation so that you can do better next time.
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