When you spend a decent amount of money on something, you should also spend your money and time to ensure that your investment doesn’t go to waste by neglecting the items you’ve bought. This is especially the case with things like jewelry, which can easily become tarnished when not taken care of appropriately.
To help you see how this can best be done for the jewelry you own, here are three tips for caring for your expensive jewelry.
Take It Off Before Bed
While you might not think that wearing your jewelry to bed would be a big deal, this is actually one of the worst things you can do if you’re trying to protect and care for your jewelry.
According to Lauren Schumaker, a contributor to Insider.com, sleeping in bed can easily cause you to break your jewelry in one way or another. If you’re wearing a necklace or bracelet, the chain could break and cause your jewelry to be useless until and unless you get it fixed. And with engagement rings, wedding rings, or earrings, wearing them to bed could loosen the setting and cause your stones to become loose or fall out. Because of this, it’s best to remove all of your jewelry before you get into bed at night and then put your jewelry on again in the morning once you’re done getting ready for your day.
Vary Your Cleaning Routine Depending On The Materials
To keep your expensive jewelry looking like new, you’ve got to ensure that you adequately clean it on a routine basis. Depending on what materials your jewelry is made out of, the type of cleaning you’ll want to do will vary.
Lauren Smith McDonough and Carolyn Forte, contributors to Good Housekeeping, share that the way you clean silver, gold, gemstones, and pearls will differ drastically. So before you sit down to clean all of your jewelry with the same cleaners and cloths, make sure you first research how that specific type of jewelry should be cleaned in order to best care for your items.
Get Regular, Professional Maintenance Checks
In addition to doing your own cleaning of your jewelry, Blair Donovan, a contributor to Brides.com, recommends that you also take your expensive jewelry into a professional jeweler for regular maintenance checks.
At these checks, your jeweler should make sure that all of the prongs on your rings are tight, that none of your stones or jewels have been scratched or cracked, and that no clasps or chains have lost their structural integrity.
If you have expensive jewelry that you want to be able to pass down to future generations, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you know how you can best care for your jewelry.
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